Module: DIY water filter

Clean drinking water is essential to survival. Identify the dangers of drinking polluted water, and learn how to make a low-cost DIY water filter using recycled / upcycled materials. You will create a valuable resource with life-long benefits to your community!
DIY water filter
Video1: Below are some common health issues that people experience from drinking contaminated water for a prolonged period. Many other health issues occur because of dirty water. Learn how to test if your drinking water is safe.
Video 2. I’ll be showing you how to make a three bucket filter and purifier for making almost any water safe to drink, using no to low cost materials and basic tools. Filmed and deployed at the Rhino refugee camp in northern Uganda, training South Sudanese and Congolese refugees how to build their own low tech alternative infrastructure from recycled and repurposed materials. Trainer Daniel Connell says “I prototype and develop basic technologies which anyone can make using recycled materials and simple tools. The aim is for everyone everywhere to be able to build and maintain their own infrastructure; producing their own energy, food, clean water, communications, and anything else they need.” All designs are open source and licence free for any purpose, and full construction tutorials and how-tos are available on the website